This poem was written some years ago by my brother Allen Wright. I think it holds meaning for today. In the photo below, Allen is the boy in the white shirt. Standing beside him is my brother Lee. That's me with the glasses and Evelyn with the stuffed animal on the left.

by Allen Wright
Is Life really living?
Is Death really dead?
Do random thoughts really
Just enter our heads?
We are the same
as the things we see,
A pile of atoms
In shapes such as We.
Where do We come from?
Where do We go?
It's not for the Living
Nor the Dead to know.
Atoms to atoms
And dust to dust.
Is this the Fate
For all of Us?
We will be born again
As the Sun does rise,
To warm those around us
And brighten their eyes.
So We strive to rise
For an unseen goal,
To met our Savior
As eternal Souls.