Mary McReynolds
A Book Review By
Linda Goodman
This book, modeled on C.S. Lewis’ The
Screwtape Letters, is actually two books in one volume that chronicles
contrasting strategies to win the soul of a teenage girl during the last days
on earth as we know it. On the one side, devils (tempters) viciously steer the
girl in every wrong direction possible, and on the other side, angels
(guardians) gently guide her to the source of knowledge necessary for her to
make choices that are in her best interests. The battle is a frantic one, as
time is rapidly “running out.”
Tapeworm (Auntie T) supervises
Wartmonger, the tempter’s apprentice assigned to bring about the girl’s
damnation. Tapeworm embodies every
nightmare boss you have ever had. She is
moody, unreasonable, self-centered, vicious, uncaring, and conniving. She is the kind of being who would send her
own mother, if she had one, to hell.
Tapeworm also hates texting and insists
upon communicating solely through email, which can supply more detailed
information. She is, however, very
familiar with the acronyms that text messengers use, and she liberally
sprinkles them throughout the emails that comprise this book. As one who is not
fluent in such acronyms, I was grateful for the glossary at the end of the tapeworm emails.
Tapeworm is a one-dimensional
character with no redeeming qualities, as one would expect a hell dweller to
be. 115 pages of her venom were too much for me. Indeed, Lewis himself said
that writing The Screwtape Letters almost smothered him before he was done.
The volume is redeemed, however, by The Gloria Airmails, written by Gloria
in Excelsis (Glo), who mentors Ariel, a recent appointee to the Academy of
Guardian Legionnaires, in her mission to keep the young girl safe from the
tempters so that she can hear and hopefully respond to the gospel. “You are NOT
to teach her. Only humans are allowed to do that,” Glo warns.
Glo does not seem to be as harried
as Tapeworm. She takes her time and
writes like a grown-up, her airmails filled with the peace that comes from
trusting that all will go according to God’s plan.
I quite enjoyed the differing
viewpoints of the two warring factions on scripture. For instance, Tapeworm’s
story of the Nephilim, mentioned in Genesis 6, was quite different from Glo’s
version. Their versions of Jesus expelling demons from two men into a herd of
pigs (Matthew 8: 28-32) also presented a study in contrasts.
McReynolds, a writer who displays
both talent and imagination, proves to be equally adept at portraying both
darkness and light. Her use of metaphor and simile (i.e. “body, soul, and
spirit…like a human mood ring”) is entertaining and intriguing.
This book is a worthy successor to The
Screwtape Letters. I particularly
recommend it to teens, who seem to exhale acronyms these days, but adults will
enjoy it as well.